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IAC is taking a break for the summer. There will be no official meetings in July and August.

Also, we need to find a new meeting location starting in September. We need your ideas!!!

We have added a full-featured discussion and bulletin board system. Check it out!

Welcome to the North Bay NLP Intern Action Center


Meetings Dates and Topics covered (click link for details):



  • January 18 2004 meeting "Back to Basics" - NLP fundamentals reviewed
  • February 15 meeting Ginny reviews John Grinder's "New Code NLP" book
  • March 21 meeting David Jenkins - Dreams and NLP
  • April 18 using NLP with groups)
  • May 9 Combining Diltz's Identity Matrix with Hellinger Family Systems

    Congratulations and Happy Anniversary IAC! We have gone through a whole year together. I wonder what our second year together will be like?

  • June 13 (NLP and Ritual - all you need for meaningful change is intention and a ritual

  • July 18 (NO MEETING)

  • August 15 (NO MEETING)

  • September 19 (in planning stages, more later)

Probable Future Meeting Topics:

NLP Intern Action Center

Who we are

The Intern Action Center is a San Francisco Bay area organization of practitioners, students and people interested in discovering and developing practical ways to expand on their knowledge and training in NeuroLinguistic Programming (NLP), to make a positive difference in this world. We are a center devoted to the building of a NLP community and providing a great opportunity to practice, integrate and enhance the skills of its members.


What we do

We meet monthly to:

  • Foster a sense of community amongst those interested in Neuro-Linguistic Programming, NLP.

  • Provide an opportunity to work on "real people" and each other, and to get quality feedback on our NLP programming strengths and weaknesses, through the observations of meta-persons.

  • To improve and deepen our NLP, presentation and personal skills and develop a higher level of competence in what we do.

  • To learn new ways of integrating NLP into what we do and new avenues where we can apply our NeuroLinguistic Programming skills, from each other and guest presenters.

  • To learn basic "practice building" techniques and to share with each other what is working for us and what we have found that doesn't work.

  • To get work done on ourselves.

  • To form cohesive alliances with each other and active "working groups", whose goal is to investigate organizations and situations where we can apply our NLP skills.

  • To improve and ground our NeuroLinguistic Programming abilities and make a difference in the world by helping people who are in need.


Dates, times and location

We hold monthly meetings, the third Sunday each month from 2 - 5. We need a new monthly meeting place starting in September. Please contact us with your suggestions.


  • (NOTE: meeting topics, dates and location can be confirmed above)
  • Meetings held on third Sunday each month (unless posted otherwise - always check website for final confirmation.)
  • Next meeting September 19
  • Check the Meeting Agenda List above for details.


How we do it. What's the format?

This is being developed and refined.

We will usually start with an announcement and description of the NLP topic of the day. Next will be some sort of brief "check-in" or "open frame" during which we can bring to the group what it is that is working us, or just report on some victory in our lives, make a relevant announcement, or ask for support and understanding about a difficult issue we are dealing with. Then we will have a leader or guest presenter who will present and frame the topic of the day. We may break into small groups to practice certain skills or processes or to further discuss what the topic stirs in us. NeuroLinguistic Programming NLP. We usually reconvene at the end to recap and share with the group, anything that may be of value for the group at large and any new "NLP moments".

The second half of the meeting is all about "free practice". We will usually break into smaller groups of three and sometimes two, in traditional "client/subject", "programmer" and "meta" roles. Bring whatever is up for you in your life. Have an opportunity to work on it with some quality people. Practice your NLP programming skills with the benefit of "meta" person feedback and critique (if you want it). There will usually be time to do one rotation. Suggested ways to switch are: meta and programmer switch, with client remaining the same - or - all three rotate, each person now occupying a new role.

Remember to leave some time for feedback from the meta. This can be an invaluable part of your growth as a NLP practitioner and as a person who communicates with others.

The website may be expanded in a variety of ways that may be useful to you, the center's membership, so remember to check in often. Your participation is what fuels this project.

What are your ideas (add your comments below)?


Possible Future Topics

There are a million and one topics we can cover, so let's start generating some ideas for what we want to discuss and learn about. Here is a list of some possibilities. Please add your own ideas for topics, by using the comments box below. Your ideas and suggestions will be reviewed and added to the list. Perhaps you can recommend people who would be perfect for leading a discussion or presenting material to the group about an area of interest.

This website will be maintaining an archive of topic areas covered. The comments board below will also serve as a useful sounding board and communication channel, keeping us all active and connected to one another.

NLP Action Center Discussion Board

The discussion board has been expanded to a full featured, multi-threaded bulletin and discussion board system. CLICK HERE to have the new discussion board open up in a new browser window. I think you will like the new features that have been added.

Give me a call (415-488-4881) or email me if you need any help using the bulletin board.

You may want to bookmark the discussion board when you get there, so you can return to it quickly whenever you want to follow any juicy threads of discussion that may now transpire...